Theo Jansen, the iconic creator behind the 3D printed Strandbeest collection on the Shapeways has launched the Animaris Geneticus Bellus. This new version of the 3D printed Strandbeest suits the new pricing system at Shapeways better therefore making the Animaris Geneticus Bellus not only much more affordable, but also more elegant and more efficient. A worthy addition to the 3D printed Strandbeest family.
This new version of the Strandbeest is now available for sale on Shapeways for $121 (USD) in white nylon plastic.
A video of the new Strandbeest in action can be seen here.
There is also new propeller propulsion add-on for the new version seen here.
The 3D printed Strandbeests continue to evolve and adapt to their environment and this new version has evolved and adapted to the Shapeways SLS printing constraints.