Have you used Versatile Plastic to make 3D printed prototypes? How about for end-use products? In Part Three of our Material of the Month series, we are going to demonstrate the strength and flexibility of this material.
Take a look!

3D printed shock absorber spring shows incredible flexibilityThis shock absorber spring show incredible flexibility

Durable and strong enough to be used as structural components

Durable and strong enough to be used as structural components

Excellent for very complex geometries and thin features

Versatile Plastic is printed with an SLS process that uses a laser to fuse together nylon powder. This enables interlocking parts. When printed with thin features in a chainmail pattern, it’s flexible and folds like fabric.

Thin, flexible and folds like fabric

Durable, high strength chainmail pattern

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Learn how you can utilize SLS technology to expand the manufacturing capabilities of your business.

Check out our Material of the Month series on Versatile Plastic:

Part One: Material Overview
Part Two: Voytek Medical Uses Versatile Plastic to Transform the Landscape of Healthcare
Part Three: How Strong and Flexible is Versatile Plastic?
Part Four: Stayed tuned! We’ll be answering your questions about Versatile Plastic in the last part of our series.