You may not be a marketing specialist, but that doesn’t mean you can’t use some marketing tips to help promote your products this holiday season. These simple, easy-to-follow tips will not only help generate more interest in your products over the next few weeks but also lead to more long-term business success.
Dive Deep Into Your Google Analytics Account
One of the best ways to fully understand your customers is by using Google Analytics. Reviewing your traffic data will give you a good indication of what your customers are most interested in and which products they view the most. If you haven’t set up your Google Analytics account, it is easy to do — and free! — just follow our tutorial here.
Once you’re all set up, make it a habit to check it regularly. Know how many visitors your shop receives on a weekly and monthly basis, the demographics of your visitors, how they’re finding your shop, and what your most popular products are.
Utilize Social Media
If you see through Google Analytics that your shop is receiving decent referrals from social media, it’s worth allocating some time to further develop your social channels. Whatever your preferred channel is, these tips could help:
- Comments are worth more than likes: Not only from an engagement scoring perspective, but meaningful conversations can help you understand your customers’ needs and wants much more than likes.
- Know what time zones your audience is in and when they are most active. Use this insight to plan your posts at times when there is more engagement.
- Aim to only share high quality photos, meaning that none of them should be blurry or hard to see. Additionally, candid photos work well on social because they feel more personal, and behind-the-scenes photos shot on cell phones can be just as effective.
- Build relationships online and offline: Ultimately, you want people to message, contact, and purchase from you. Don’t lose sight of your end goal, which is to generate revenue, not to reach x number of followers or likes.
Don’t Underestimate Word of Mouth
As useful as digital marketing is, word of mouth is still extremely important. If customers are happy with the products you make for them, chances are they’re going to tell their friends and family. Don’t be shy about letting your social circles know about your 3D products. You are your own best advocate, so give out your products as gifts, bring them to holiday parties, wear them, display them, use them at home, at work and when you travel, so that when people think of your product category, they think of you.
Ask For Customer Testimonials
Getting customer testimonials is also useful. Remember that customers are humans, and behind each purchase is somebody looking to make their lives happier or more productive with your product. Ask your customers for feedback and use the feedback to improve your shop, and to let the world know why people have chosen to purchase from you.
So you’ve reviewed our material cutoff dates, refreshed your products, added in the best images possible, and now you’re marketing your products to your target audience. We hope these tips have been helpful and wish you a great holiday season of selling.