Get Your Free HeartBeatDress Case Study

Anouk Wipprecht is fearless in her approach to fashion tech, and this is apparent in her designs, from dresses that protect the wearer via concealment of smoke or even attack by arachnid legs.

Her latest, the HeartBeatDress, takes a new perspective in exploring the internal and external human connection. Featuring a Swarovski necklace that doubles as a heartbeat monitoring sensor, the HeartBeatDress not only demonstrates an incredible combination of 3D printed fashion design and technology, but also the vulnerability of the wearer as their mood is on display, whether relaxed or excited.

Download to discover more about:

  • The long-term partnership between Shapeways and Wipprecht in 3D printing fashion, and why it has continued to be so successful.
  • Rapid prototyping and manufacturing of end-use parts for Wipprecht’s work in fashion and technology.
  • How Anouk Wipprecht strategizes in designing for the human form, the incorporation of 3D printing and robotics, and heartbeat monitoring.
  • Why this fashion designer is fond of certain advanced 3D printing materials and technology.

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HeartBeatDress Case Study

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